Aliya Ali Khan
Gender & Media Advisor at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Aliya Khan has over 10 years of experience working in the development sector on gender-related projects. She has worked with the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women and UNFPA since 2016, on projects to enhance women’s representation and leadership in the public sector. Her skills range from conducting awareness sessions on women's rights, laws for women's protection and redress mechanisms for survivors of gender based violence, to international human rights law and gender-based planning, budgeting and mainstreaming. In the past, she has also worked on legal and policy review, management of projects related to women's empowerment, and gender sensitivity trainings. A lawyer by education, Aliya’s professional focus has been on gender and women's rights, family law, and social justice. Before joining the Commission in 2016, Aliya worked with Shirkatgah Women's Resource Centre, the American Bar Association's rule of law initiative, PILDAT, GIZ and Rahuma - FPAP. Ms. Khan holds an LLM from University of California, Berkeley, and an LL.B. from University of London.